
Documentation Status

HTTP/2 implementation with hyper-h2 on Python 3 asyncio.


  • Asynchronous HTTP/2 client and server
  • Multiplexing streams of data with managed flow and priority control
  • Optional tickless health check
  • More to come


  • Request/Response wrappers
  • Web server, dispatcher, cookie, etc
  • HTTP/2 upgrade


A server saying hello:

# Server request handler
async def on_connected(proto):
    while True:
        # Receive a request from queue
        stream_id, headers = await proto.recv_request()

        # Send response headers
        await proto.start_response(stream_id, {':status': '200'})

        # Response body starts with "hello"
        await proto.send_data(stream_id, b'hello, ')

        # Read all request body as a name from client side
        name = await proto.read_stream(stream_id, -1)

        # Amend response body with the name
        await proto.send_data(stream_id, name)

        # Send trailers with the length of the name
        await proto.send_trailers(stream_id, {'len': str(len(name))})

# Start server on random port, with maximum concurrent requests of 3
server = await aioh2.start_server(
    lambda p: asyncio.get_event_loop().create_task(on_connected(p)),
    port=0, concurrency=3)
port = server.sockets[0].getsockname()[1]

And a client to try out:

# Open client connection
client = await aioh2.open_connection('', port,

# Optionally wait for an ack of tickless ping - a.k.a. until functional
await asyncio.sleep(0.1)  # simulate client being busy with something else
rtt = await client.wait_functional()
if rtt:
    print('Round-trip time: %.1fms' % (rtt * 1000))

# Start request with headers
stream_id = await client.start_request(
    {':method': 'GET', ':path': '/index.html'})

# Send my name "world" as whole request body
await client.send_data(stream_id, b'world', end_stream=True)

# Receive response headers
headers = await client.recv_response(stream_id)
print('Response headers:', headers)

# Read all response body
resp = await client.read_stream(stream_id, -1)
print('Response body:', resp)

# Read response trailers
trailers = await client.recv_trailers(stream_id)
print('Response trailers:', trailers)

Above example can be found at examples/


A big thanks to the great library hyper-h2 from Cory Benfield.

DecentFoX Studio is a software outsourcing company delivering high-quality web-based products and mobile apps for global customers with agile methodology, focusing on bleeding-edge technologies and fast-developing scalable architectures.

This package was created with Cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.